So, it turns out that a recent study has shown what most of us already knew - people who regularly exercise tend to be much healthier and not get sick as often as those of us that don't exercise!
The study shows that people who exercise regularly catch the common cold about half as often (making it a little less common... I guess...).
The study (done in America) asked volunteers to note any cold-like symptoms (coughs, blocked and runny nose etc.) for three months in Autumn and Winter, and to also note how many times per week they exercised enough to sweat.
All of this makes sense - if you exercise regularly - your health will improve, making your body able to adapt to change a little easier, increasing the odds of you fighting off that cold... before you even catch it.
Here's the twist. One of the most important factors that played a role was the persons perception of how healthy they were. Just a bit more evidence of how the brain and nervous system really are in control of everything that goes on in these two legged vehicles we get around in.
Brought to my attention by
Get yourself as Healthy as an Ox.
“You will become whoever you want to be.” ~ Paul Arden 1940-2008