Thursday, September 9, 2010

Decreasing belly fat? Ab-solutely! Article Review

While thinking about how I REALLY need to get back into a gym soon - no, that's not me in the picture... I stumbled upon this article  (I've started doing most of my thinking online now - it's a part of the high-information diet [geeze I've gotta go on a low-info diet!] - I know that doesn't make sense, but it will in a week or so) by Michael Geary called 'My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Muscle and Lose Body Fat'.

It's full of some really good basic nutrition information, there are a few bits in there that I don't agree with 100%, like references to good and bad cholesterol for example but really that's just me being really picky! (I'll explain why exactly I don't agree with that in the coming weeks...) But then again, Michael is the nutrition specialist, so he's just as (if not more) entitled to his opinion!

Some of his tips are exactly what I recommended for many of my own clients and I will for future clients too!
Simple things like:
  • Increasing the amount of vegetables. Vegies are SO important, they are so high in vitamins and minerals - and really, they are nearly all you need! Think about all of the biggest and longest living animals in the world - they all tend to be vegetarian, the animals that live on sugars and meat don't tend to live quite as long and don't grow as big. (I know, I know, yes, there are exceptions - there are exceptions to every rule... but in this case - we humans are not)
  •  He goes through a great list of what he keeps in the fridge and staples of his own diet, all very comprehensive!
Over all a very good article - I think it would be very helpful for someone looking for a good summary of tips to begin eating healthier and lose weight.

To get to the site with his articles click here (heaps more too).

And just finally, (and sorry if it seems a little unrelated)
They say knowledge is power... and it's true - but only if you apply it!
Don't put something important off until tomorrow, it's a nasty habit to break once you begin.
Make the most of today - tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them, and
Go out and enjoy the rain, not just the sunshine - it's ALL good!

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